Got Tagged by Joanne Natalie Aw

Survey! The Name Game Instructions:

Name 20 people you can think of off the top of your head. Do not read the questions until you write, and tag 5 people to do the survey.

the 20 people :

1. alice
2. joanne aw
3. boon mean
4. matilda
5. yew lee
6. yek chin
7. mikki
8. jonnne murty
9. "best friend"
10. michelle koh
11. chiou yik
12. yong liang
13. andre
14. richard
15. seong how
16. kim
17. keegan
18. caroline
19. chien li
20. michelle wong

How did you meet 14?
richard* in school.

What would you do if you had never met 1?
alice* waaa..... my world is so nice... *kidding ny*

What would you do if 20 and 9 dated you?
michelle wong and "best friend"* as friends then can la....

Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
yek chin and keegan* this definitely wont happen

Describe no 3 ..
boon mean* cute.....

Do you think 8 is attractive?
jonne murty* very

Do you know anything about no. 12's family?
yong liang* his father opens dobi shop

Tell me something about 7..
mikki* ppl dunno her unless u call her 'cha jie'

What is no 18's favourite?
caroline* no idea...

What languange does 15 speak?
seong how* mandarin, canto

Who is 19 going out with?
chien li* tough one

How old is 16 now?
kim* 17 years old

When was the last time you talked to 13?
andre* yesterday.. in school

Who is 2's favourite singer?
yong liang* waa....must be leng lui wan lor...

Would you date 4?
matilda* she is my "siew mui mui" hagha....

Would you date no. 17?
keegan* no way

Is 15 single?
seong how* hmmmm......

What is no 10's last name?
michelle koh* koh lay sia !!! must remember this name

Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11?
chiou yik* 100% no...

Which school does 3 goes to?
boon mean* sabs.

Where does 6 live?
yek chin* kuantan... she might hav another hse in kl... she kan some big shopping mall punya anak... haha... jk ny..

What is your favourite thing about no. 5?
yew lee* hrmm... her honesty

no one to tag... *sob* *sob*
