
I actually set my alarm to 9am.

The alarm rang, the phone was beside me *I know it’s bad to have a phone beside* I snooze the phone. My body wants to get up but the mind said otherwise. There I was on the bed, back to my beauty sleep.

After such long hours of sleeping, finally my mind says it is time to wake up. My phone showed 11.45am. From there I got up and wash up. Since it was going to be lunch time, I didn’t eat breakfast.

Off I went to do my daily routine. 1st thing out in the living room was switch on the computer. Sometimes when I wake up, straight away I’ll on the computer and go online. *so y’all can see what time I wake up that particular day* But, there are sometimes that I have something else to do.

Today, I’ve decided not to touch the piano. I have been playing the same songs these few days. To buy a book is so expensive. To download from the internet is not easy to find. I just wanna play the songs that I like. Why can’t I?? I’ve been finding Ave Maria music score all day, yet can’t find the full set. If there is, have to buy them. Guess good things come with a price.

So I’ve been facing the computer the whole day. The whole afternoon I was finding for some anime to watch. I’m into anime craze now. That would be another post.

So basically at night I would watch TV until 10pm. That’s when the fun starts. It’s NLG time!!! *yeah* Today will be a little longer than usual. Normally it would only last for 2 hours. By then everyone would say their byes and nitez. Tonight is gonna be different! Ooosssstttt!!!!!

I’m actually typing this when the NLG conversation is going on and they don’t even know it. *evil laugh* Guess they will find out when they see this post.

Off I go. Back to my NLG!!!!


  1. waahhh writing this during NLG?? huyooo... miss pres so terror. can write and chat at the same time! haha

  2. multitaskin..haha

  3. nlg... noob lame group?

    lol... itz never lame gang!

  4. i'm so good in multitasking.. haha....

    HONorary member... jaga jaga ur tingkah laku


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