
Form 6 is not like form 6 for the time being. Went to school on Monday to register. Met up with some friends. Then sat there to listen all the taklimat stuff. I didn’t know how I tahan sitting there for such long time.

After that didn’t go school for 2 days just to avoid listening to those taklimat again. Today went to school ‘cause get to go into class dy.

Currently, I’m the only girl in my class as of today. But there are some who wanna change to my class. So I won’t be lonely dy… Yay!

Tomorrow is teachers’ day, so won’t be going to school again. Next Monday is public holiday. Still I’m not sure whether I wanna go school next week. Maybe should go there and see how things are going on 1st. I know I’m like those scared-dy cat type. Somemore nobody that I know same class with me so gotta tengok tengok keadaan. Haha……

I have no idea why when it comes to leading Sunday worship I get nervous and feeling a bit of stress.
