So, then...

What matters if nobody cares bout me.

Eversince the beginning I'm just a speedbum. I'm just an excess baggage.

What difference does it make if I were not here.

What matters where I am

What difference does it make if it is silence or noise

What matters of what I do

What difference does it make when I'm just standing there

What matters as i'm not important

So who cares if I'm around

Then it's just a wasted space being occupied.


  1. hey enwei...

    Somebody cares about you!

    you're not just a speedbump or excess baggage... you're precious, valued, and significant in His eyes.

    if you were not here, it would make a difference to many people... from your family, to your closest friends, to your classmates, to your MYF, and the list goes on...

    it matters where you are because God places you there to be MAD for Him! (Making A Difference la=P)

    "Your life, woven day by day
    Is a new design of the glory God displays
    On the canvas of creation
    Through the poem of history
    In the pattern of redemption
    Running through the tapestry
    Your life in Christ can be
    The greatest story ever told"
    - Avalon

    if we live our lives within the purposes of God... those lyrics are indeed True. hope that encourages you a little... God bless! =)


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