
Currently I've been thinking more on what to get for myself. I've been giving thought to 3 things that I want to buy for quite some time but it wasn't something urgent to get as it is also now. I could say it's about a year that I'm still contemplating which ONE to get. Although all still not something urgent for me to have them but spoiling myself a little doesn't hurt. 

I've put them according to the importance among the 3.

I couldn't really pin-point the 1st and 2nd place. They are either iPad 3 or a digital camera. I'm not talking about getting a DSLR but just a compact camera. 

With an iPad 3, I could put whatever readings that is required for me to read for my studies. Lazy to carry my laptop in and out since I have to walk most of the time. No, I'm not gonna carry the laptop as part of an exercise regime. So basically the iPad is to store articles after articles. That's the main purpose.

Con: It's expensive and might be redundant 

Next is a compact camera. iPhone camera just does not cut out for me. The quality is not what I want and the colours tend to run. So I thought with a compact camera at least I'll get a higher quality photo. 

Con: then again I'm thinking how many photos do I take anyway. Will it be left in the dust?

Fujifilm Instax mini 25
This is just something that I've wanted just for fun. It's kinda cool and fancy for me... Just thinking 'bout instant pics that I can get...

Con: The film is not cheap and there's no such thing as deleting ugly pics.

Well, all of them is more like just an additional accessory for me.

To buy or not to buy? hmm.... I know that I can never catch up with technology but....
