Finding my own Paper Town

At first I thought it would just be another chick flick story since it is from the same author as The Fault in Our Stars (TFIOS). But then I ended up buying the book.

I haven't watch TFIOS movie, but I've read the book though I have some spoilers beforehand. So my expectation for this Paper Town was just so-so. Turned out, it brought me so many meanings - meaning of life.

This is no typical boy like popular girl, try all ways to impress the girl and girl falls for boy, and have a happy ending.

It will make you think about

1. Have you found who you are?

2. Is it worth to give up / ruin your friendship?

3. There is a bigger world outside your comfort zone.

4. Life should make your heart pump with adrenaline.

5. It's never too late to experience things for the first time.

I'm on my way to read what's missing from the movie and what's the difference between the book and the movie.

'Nuff said.
Tata ~
