Tagged again...
Wen Dee is crazy.... so true... like to give ppl homework to do... at least i don't have to crack my head bout what to blog today. having a severe headache. must be too much of computer in a day.
- You -
First Name: Enwei
Nickname: Amway, anyway, Enwet, what way
Name you wish you had: hmm... I'm happy with the name *it's unique u know* ^^
What do people normally mistake your name as: Eng Wei, Amway...
Birthday: You wanna buy me present?? 19 June
-Your Appearence-
How tall are you: wish to be 170cm or taller..... hehe^^
Wish you were taller: YES!!!!
Eye colour: Dark brown
Natural Hair color: Black
Current Hair color: Black
Short or long hair: Long
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: Nope.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: Cut of a significant length of my hair.. will never go to that length ever..
Glasses or contacts: Glasses. Only wear them in class
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolate: Chocolate. Especially dark.. you know what I mean
Pepsi or Coke: Neither...
Rap or Rock: Can't tahan both
School or Work: Both maybe?? Cause can get money..
Movies or Music: both together!!
Country or City: City!!
Sunny or Rainy days: Cloudy.. haha...
Flower: don't have a favourite
Candy: Don't eat candy
Colour: Blue, Red, White
Singer: no specific
Word: really?? right..
Junk food: Mr. potato, pringles
Website: My blog... haha... visit more often ya!
Location: Beach... so relaxing
Animal: Dog
I shall not be like crazy wen dee. Therefore, if you want, tag yourself.... ^^
- You -
First Name: Enwei
Nickname: Amway, anyway, Enwet, what way
Name you wish you had: hmm... I'm happy with the name *it's unique u know* ^^
What do people normally mistake your name as: Eng Wei, Amway...
Birthday: You wanna buy me present?? 19 June
-Your Appearence-
How tall are you: wish to be 170cm or taller..... hehe^^
Wish you were taller: YES!!!!
Eye colour: Dark brown
Natural Hair color: Black
Current Hair color: Black
Short or long hair: Long
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: Nope.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: Cut of a significant length of my hair.. will never go to that length ever..
Glasses or contacts: Glasses. Only wear them in class
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolate: Chocolate. Especially dark.. you know what I mean
Pepsi or Coke: Neither...
Rap or Rock: Can't tahan both
School or Work: Both maybe?? Cause can get money..
Movies or Music: both together!!
Country or City: City!!
Sunny or Rainy days: Cloudy.. haha...
Flower: don't have a favourite
Candy: Don't eat candy
Colour: Blue, Red, White
Singer: no specific
Word: really?? right..
Junk food: Mr. potato, pringles
Website: My blog... haha... visit more often ya!
Location: Beach... so relaxing
Animal: Dog
I shall not be like crazy wen dee. Therefore, if you want, tag yourself.... ^^
haha! wen dee is crazee... woohoo! =P