Another all in 1

I kinda like to blog at night. Somehow ideas come to me. I can also reflect about the day. Well, I didn’t know that I didn’t blog for quite some time dy. Some how day by day passes like in a snap of a finger. I’m also was a bit stressed the past week.

Stressful week?

I don’t know I felt so stressful last week. Maybe it was because I had to lead worship in church on Sunday. Wahh…. That was stressful enough. Though it was not my 1st time but I just feel like one of a kind. If you know what I mean.

Realizing my dream

I’m one step closer in realizing my dream…..

*…….squeak ... …*

happy happy happy…. Yay yay yay!!!

Form 6

Today is the day of register for Form 6. I got back to my old school. All I can sum in it one word is BORING! Why? ‘Cause listened to taklimat. I don’t know how I tahan for at least 4 hours… guess I was daydreaming there… *…haha…*
