Back to reality
Ok. Now back to reality. To clear the sky of your thoughts, from Friday until today, I’ve been attending TRAC LPL (Local Preacher’s License) Course. Not that I’m going to be a preacher, just that pastor suggested the older youth to attend. So there was me, Chien Li and Jasmine. This was the reason why I wrote I was in the midst of people almost twice my age. Thank God I’ve got company, if not there will be more weird and hard-to-understand posts.
Well, if you manage to understand what I’ve been writing then good for you. If you can’t understand then don’t bother to waste your time unless you got lots of time to spare.
Those previous posts are just a glimpse of what’s inside my mind.
Back to the LPL course. It was conducted by Rev. Dr. Chew Tow Yow. The atmosphere is so much different then when he was speaking in JS. There were 6 session altogether. 2 hours per session. Imagine the pain the 3 of us have to go through. Luckily we were in the last 2nd row. So only the last row could see all our fidgeting and ‘nuisance’ we had done. The longer we sit, the more we fidget. We have become so restless until there was a point where we just can’t it anymore.
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