Let me introduce you to.....

Bryan Nelson!
(however it is spelt)

He is ruling at his 'throne'

But then poor little baby's father
(shall be anonymous but if you know then let's just keep it a secret.... shhh....) gave some things to 'protect' himself

Being the son of a Leng Zai is not enough!

Must smoke some candle in order to be cool like the father

But then luck was not on his side...

At such a tender age,

An all white ceremony is held in remembrance of Bryan Nelson

Not forgetting his favourite 'smoked' candle.

But lo and behold, because of the candle that was with him, he took his final puff and became

Usain Bolt

He even have clothes on now since his father became rich from the white candle business (believing that it does revive people after consuming it)

Can even do a few tricks!

The last trick of the day


Anyone wanna be the mom... poor kid gotta follow the father.... Bryan needs your help!!!!
Do you wanna see him continue to suffer like this? Help his father out as well... He needs guidance as this is his first time!
