Start A New!
New semester has just started couple of days ago... which means I'm a 2nd year student! How a year has passed and so many things have changed including me perhaps?
This time, a new semester,
a new calendar system,
a new place to stay,
a new room,
new housemates,
new conflicts,
new problems,
new dilemmas,
new routine,
new lifestyle,
new eating habit,
new adaptation,
new responsibilities,
new choice of choosing,
new self management,
new approach!
With this list of new stuff, I'm sure and make sure that I'll be able to pull it through for this coming 4 months.
Having to come back a few days before the semester officially opens, I got to see the number of juniors in this lovely university. They have definitely left a huge impact in all of the seniors coz now we all have to 'fight' for seats in the bus (which I don't have to take now and decrease to 2 buses), 'fight' for seats when it's lunch time and the long queue and the uncertainty of the quantity of food. At least I get to execute my diet plan... help in disguise.
Walk walk walk is not that new to me but walking for at least 30mins is definitely an exercise on it's own. Waking up early is another thing which I wonder how long will I be able to last as now is coming to a week of walking. Thoughts after thoughts of any other possibilities just lead me to only 1 solution for now - BUS 11. I shall see how will this 'exercise' become of.
Next, I can decorate my room however I like but budget side, no eye see... Gotta make sure my room is presentable at any moment of time... some people are kinda shock whether in a good way or the other is for the rest to keep thinking. When the time is right I'll post picture(s) of it.
No more late nights for me, no more burning midnight oil, no more sleeping in a little more and no more last minute assignments till almost sunrise without 'fishing' in class.
new future awaits me!
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