New surrounding, new culture

It's been two days since I came in to Long Lamai, a village in the interior of Sarawak coming in from Miri airport. Going to be here for a month to coach UPSR students. They are not your average town/city students where they are always going tuition to get As. They are just typical kids playing in the river, climbing hills, and running around. 

Even though it has only been 2 days but there's something that is in my mind which later I'll sort them out with I do figure out what are they and making it into structure. So far it has been good. Not much of a culture shock. 
Oh yea, thanks to Unimas for setting up this IT centre here that I don't have be really cut of from civilization. But really, being cut away from internet connection is not that bad. 

so till then, tata~
