taking time out

Back to serious note.

My uni life ended when I came back to the West (side of Malaysia). Came back for 2 days then I'm off to do my internship in another town. Moving here and there was not a problem for me. It's kind of an adventure to be at different places in a short period of time. The start of internship is also a start of another phase of my life. 

The availability of time was all I had even until now. However with all the time that I could have for myself, it has given me new perspective and new insight to my surroundings. 

When you take a step back and observe what is going on around you, you might even surprise yourself with the little details that you have never come across or do not bother with those details. 

Within this 10 weeks, I have a whole lot of enlightenment and new insights to the meaning of life. Once I asked myself what is life to me. I had an extensive writing on it when I was spending my time in the jungle in the interior of Sarawak. 

What is life to me now is different from what was it then and it is going to be different to what my life will be. 

I have definitely seen what I needed to see. From all these experiences can spark so many topics for me to talk about. A series of my life lesson maybe? The world needs to be a better place to be in. 'Nuff said. 
